The Wii Mommies


Christine's Blog (1)

my first blog but I feel I must write it to encourage others...



My name is Christine, I am 33 years young and a mother to 2 beautiful girls.   I was thin my entire life but I did always struggle with food issues at the age of 20 I got pregnant with my first daughter gained the normal 20 pounds but didnt lose them after having her over the next several years I slowly packed on pound after pound and then at 170 pounds got pregnant with my second child, needless to say I only gained 20 pounds with that pregnancy also lost all of the…


Added by Christine on January 20, 2011 at 3:00pm — 2 Comments

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This website was created by Julie Maloney and she is in no way compensated or endorsed by Nintendo of America or any third party companies who make virtual fitness products for the Nintendo Wii.