The Wii Mommies

Amy Guzman

Your Favorite or your best score on the Wii Fit Plus games

What's yours??? Well, Hubs just got 1246 points in the juggling. I finally got down the river in the bubble and I made it through the advanced obstacle course.

I love the marching and the biking I found all 23 flags today.

Replies to This Discussion

I just started on Wii Fit Plus today. Did most of my "workout" using Wii Fit before I clicked on the "plus" add-ons (don't laugh). Haven't tried the juggling but found all 13 flags on cycling (must need to advance for 23). I made it down the river in the bubble in 45 secs but haven't tried advanced yet...maybe tomorrow. I was happy to make it across the tightrope, lol. I did really well in golf (although I don't remember the score) and I don't even play golf. Maybe I should:)
I would have to say my favorite score is 346 on the score ball game. I was completely shocked. Don't know what was so good about that day. Haven't been able to come close to that again.
3840 spins on the mega hula hoop in 10 min! i felt the burn and the sweat and the desire to beet it again asap!
3840 spins in 10 minutes?!? WOW I can't imagine how you pulled that off!  My best is in the 300 range....Hats off to you aubrey.
today i did wii fit plus and i did the tight rope on the first level, my best time is 1:13, i did super hula hoop i forget my what my score was, i did a few things today that had a good score. great job everyone keepm  it up.

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