The Wii Mommies

Ashley Eller

New games???

Hi everyone, New to Wii mommies. Ive been doing the wii fit plus for 2mths now and I find myself getting bored sometimes.. Any suggestions on what new games to buy? Im currently on a diet with and have lost 77.5 lbs. I want to continue losing but wanna have fun again while I'm doing it..

Thanks, Ashley

Replies to This Discussion

EA Sports Active is the one I got next and it is awesome! :) I suggest that one.
Thanks I'll look for that one!!
I bought a boxing game called Ready to Rumble and it is Fun !!!!! I also have Sonic the Hedgehog Tennis which is fun but I dont think you will be able to beat them for I never have been able to.
I'd agree that the Sports Active is a great addition to your Wii Fitness collection. I am liking the sound of that Ready to Rumble game, I may look into that one!!
I am going to get the Wii Active too if it is good but I also bought the Wii Biggest Loser and find that it is fun also.
I like the golds gym boxing...and it is cheap as it is an older game I think you can get it for less than $20. REally wondering how the ea sports active 2 is going to be, as it is so pricey. I like the More workouts active better than the personal trainer active.
oh yeah...and Ashley~Way to go! 77lbs is awesome!
Aww Thanks.. Its been a tough road but well worth it thus far!!
Another fun Wii game is called Walk it out. You walk around an island with different songs, fast and slow developing the island with tree, cars, houses apartments, etc. I've lost 20 lbs so far since July
That sounds right up my alley right now! :)
WOW! 20 lbs that is great. Just by using Walk it out?
EA Active Sport 2 - SUPER - GREAT - LOVE IT.... Just Dance..... Jullian Michaels Ultimate Fitness 2010.... Biggest Loser.. Your Shape...Daisy Fuentes Pilates

I use them all along with Wii Fit Plus. I am currently doing a 9 week challenge on EA Sports Active 2. I see that a newer version of Just Dance and Biggest Loser has been released for the holiday shopping season.

As far as Wii Fit Plus - today is my 586 day on Wii Fit

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