The Wii Mommies

Christine C

Best ab workout? Actual results?

Hi everyone,

I really need your help to find ab exercises or a routine that will really bring results. I have seen so many changes in my body with the Wii (EA Active and Wii Fit Plus) but I feel like my stomach has not improved much. After having two VERY big babies my stomach is huge, youngest is 7 months and I can't get my stomach down! Please share anything you have found that really helped, any workouts on EA Active Personal Trainer, More Workouts or Wii Fit Plus that have really helped you? Thanks guys!


Tags: Ab, exercises

Replies to This Discussion

I'm still working on it, but I did the Balance Bridge on the Wii Fit Plus tonight and I could especially feel it in my stomach, butt, legs and arms. I can't remember if it is in Yoga or Strength Training. I'll have to pay more attention next time. I think that will be a good one for me because I HATE sit ups or anything like them.
Thank you, I think what I'll do is make a workout of strength and yoga exercises that focus on abs and do it everyday!

Nichole Johnson said:
I'm still working on it, but I did the Balance Bridge on the Wii Fit Plus tonight and I could especially feel it in my stomach, butt, legs and arms. I can't remember if it is in Yoga or Strength Training. I'll have to pay more attention next time. I think that will be a good one for me because I HATE sit ups or anything like them.
I found it! The Jacknife challenge!!! I LOVE IT and it really worked all of my abs! I'm doing it everyday, got up to 30 today!
i have been doing the mega hula hoop for a min of 10 min every day and i am already noticing results. more in my upper abs then my lower baby pouch but its a start.
Hello everyone, i am looking for a good ab excercise as well. I have twin boys and they are now 17 months old. its crazy how time flies. But its even crazier how hard it is to get the weight off. I am def losing it before the next baby(s) come. Which that wont be anytime soon, my one son has brain cancer, he is dealing with this very well, i think its harder on us than it is on him, but excersing is what i turn to right now, before it was food, but i feel good after a great workout and i am less stressed out. Well thank you everyone in advanced, i wish everyone the best of luck in the workouts and on thier weight loss success:)
I have had some experience with the "tummy" too. I just had baby #4 Feb 7th 2011. The biggest part of stomach fat is sugar. You have to watch your diet while exercising. I heard a doctor say once that "Everyone has ab's. You just have to expose them." When we eat sugar our bodies tend to store it for later use. I haven't dropped any weight but I have cut some of the flab and can tell the fat is melting off.

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