The Wii Mommies

Hello Group!

I know I haven't been posting in awhile...I'm in the middle of moving and we were supposed to have the closing on both houses this evening and it got rescheduled to Tuesday and now it's going to be Monday so I've just been a bit hectic and crazy lately.....

But I'll be back on track Wii is packed up in a box I've been going to a gym...which I don't like as much as using my "equipment" at the weight loss has hit a long as it's not a downward slope...I'm good!

I'm holding steady at a 20 lb loss......and I guess that's all I can hope for right now!

See you next Friday...if I've got my computer back by then....

if not, definitely the Friday after!


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This website was created by Julie Maloney and she is in no way compensated or endorsed by Nintendo of America or any third party companies who make virtual fitness products for the Nintendo Wii.