The Wii Mommies

Hello Fit Check Friday Group!

I hope that you had an excellent week of eating healthy and getting fitter using your Wii!!!!  If so, give us your successes this week!  If not, this is the place to be to get a little encouragement and motivation!

This week I lost 3.1 lbs!  I'm feeling really good, and I hope to keep up the weight loss in the week ahead.  Some high points this week...

1.  I used mainly Wii The Biggest Loser and had two really tough workouts with Jillian and a pretty laid back Yoga workout at Bob's Yoga Pagoda.  I used the Wii Just Dance on my days off, and for an extra 30 minutes on my days I had a scheduled workout on the Biggest Loser.

2.  I drank LOTS of water this week!  I started out with Crystal Light drinks and found that I wasn't drinking as much as when I just stick with water.  So I switched about mid-week to just good 'ole H2O.

3.  My mom and I switch off every Sunday and make a healthy dinner for under 500 calories...including dessert.  Last week I made a leek and sweet potato and ham soup that was out of this world!  It sounds yucky, and I had never used leeks for anything before....but it was really good.  I also made a curried pineapple glaze that you pour over ham steaks.  That was excellent as well.  It was so good, I poured it over low fat vanilla bean ice cream as a dessert, along with some cinnamon.  Over all, under 500 calories and one of the best things I ate this week.

4.  I love the "Santa Fe Rice & Beans" that either WW or Michelina's or Lean Cuisine makes.  I prepare it according to the package, and then spoon out the whole thing into 4 equal portions.  I put these in plastic containers in the fridge, and when I feel like I need a filling lunch, I start with a low cal tortilla, put in 1/4 c. of shredded lowfat cheese, 1 T. fat free sour cream, and 1/4 of the santa fe mixture.  It's a killer burrito...and I'm stuffed for a few hours!  Gotta try it!


So check in and give us your thoughts...things that worked for you this week...things that didn't, and I'll see you next Friday, if not before!     - Michelle

Replies to This Discussion

I'm excited to be in this group and feel it will help me as I hear from others and their success!  We got the Wii for the family but then my husband got me the Wii Fit last year- only used a little last year but have been doing Wii fit and Just Dance 2 for the past week or so and hope to continue.  I think the more motivation the better I will want to stay with the workouts and healthy eating:)



I love the idea of checking in and sharing! I too need to be held accountable, but did not want to spend the WW money.  I have tried being accountable to a friend a work and that did not work, so I am hoping having to physically type an update here each Friday where everyone can read it will help motivate me.



I am so happy that you decided to check in with us and be a part of Fit Check Fridays!  I'm really excited about the weeks ahead and all the weight loss that we can expect by keeping on track!

Talk to you on Friday!

-- Michelle

Michelle - I am happy to report that I would not allow myselft to start a fire (and sit on my butt) until I did 20 minutes of WiiFit today and I did it!!!!! Having to report into you guys is already helping me feel accountable!



Way to go Noelle! the same thing tomorrow!  20 minutes of pick!
Hi Michelle and the rest of the Fit Check Friday group! I am excited to be a part of this new group. ALthough I don't need to lose any weight, I need to get active again. I have been battling stage III breast cancer for almost 4 years. My body has fallen apart. Everything except the fabulous new rack. LOL I need to get moving again and firm it all up. My goal is to do the "Intense" sweat workout on "Just Dance 2" at least six days a week. After I get moving, I will add some strength training. Baby steps...

Thank you for inviting me to join this group, Michelle!  I just finished my first week of using the Wii Fit Plus, drinking more water and making healthier food choices.  This seems like a perfect venue for sharing and support!  I've lost 6 pounds since last week!!  I also have been using some hand weights with My Fitness Coach for strength training and walking my dog farther & faster than before.  I had gestational diabetes 9 years ago and have just discovered through bloodwork that my glucose levels are a little high.  Since I am at an increased risk for developing type 2 diabetes I am especially anxious to exercise more to help level out my sugars and lower my blood pressure.  I look forward to sharing with each other and checking in each Friday for accountability.  Oh, and I can't wait to try your tip for the Santa Fe Burritos!!!!  God bless you all, Ladies!


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This website was created by Julie Maloney and she is in no way compensated or endorsed by Nintendo of America or any third party companies who make virtual fitness products for the Nintendo Wii.