The Wii Mommies


Hi from the UK!!

Hello everyone I'm a Mum of one 7 yr old and just started seriously using
 to lose some weight - weigh in at about 196 lbs at the moment would love to get down to about 146 !! I have lost a lot of weight with weightwatchers before but have found if I don't maintain exercising it all goes back on - I get depressed eat some junk - then more weight goes back on ! A vicious cycle that I WILL break in 2011.  Between September and November last year I managed to lose 13lbs by eating well but I gave up for christmas and birthdays LOL!  Now i'm right back on it  i will be 33 in November and FIT not FAT!  My daughter love's the WII so much but I want to make sure I get time for myself on it.  At present I am doing 40-45 mins every other day including 20 mins jogging on WII Fit plus.  Zumba is not out in England yet but will definitely get it when it does come out .  Will also consider EA active but it is a bit expensive at the moment.
Anyway that's enough of me blathering on I hope you lot don't get too annoyed by my Englishisms!!  I am aiming for a nice weight loss for the summer - we have a music festival to go to and hoping (fingers crossed if Husband still has a job  - due to recession) to have a holiday in the greek Islands (probably Corfu). 
What events are coming up that you are all looking forward to look fabulous for??

Replies to This Discussion

Good luck Clemmie....I am just looking forward to losing again.  I had lost over 50lbs then got pregnant and gained it all back. So I am dusting off the wii and doing some new dvds to help.  My hubby really has to stop buying me candy too!  I love Golds Gym cardio boxing for a cheap exergame.

Hi Colleen


Yeah Husbands - they are the worst  I don't have the heart  to tell mine off though - I have a strategy it involves acting really cute and letting have most of my treats lol!!

I lost 3lbs this week according to the wii and it is really motivating to see that chart go down!!


50lbs we shoudl be able to easily lose that in a year!!

Take care!


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